Game AI - Obstacle Avoidance + Flocking (In 3D!)
Obstacle Avoidance! (again) but now in 3D with flocking behaviors "They say everything in life comes full circle eventually" -they I didn't intend to revisit obstacle avoidance again so soon, but this time, it's different. The primary focus of my latest assignment was to implement flocking and obstacle avoidance (a completely different beast). Luckily for me, I had done flocking before (in 2D), and I have also done obstacle avoidance before (also in 2D, check out my blog post on it 😉). I thought the primary problem I was going to have was combining both of these into one behavior. After some thinking however, The solution I went with was pretty simple (I'll talk about that later). In order to spice things up some more, I decided to use this project as an opportunity to implement both of these behaviors in 3D and sink my toes into some of the nifty tools that Unity had to offer (there are so many tools out there that I still don't even know about). ...